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5 tricks to make the most of study time
Is it possible to make better use of study time? Yes, as long as you know the necessary keys. We offer you five essential tips for you to pass any exam.
Divide by days everything you have to study
The ideal is to study every day, but if you don’t have time, nothing better than dividing the entire syllabus among those you have available. Follow your own method and don’t change your way of studying right before exams. No one like you knows what your capacity is and how you can adapt to the number of notes and photocopies waiting at your table.
Organize your time reasonably
You will have exams at the university every two or three days. This causes you to have to change subjects to advance the study of the subject of the first two exams. If you are going to study eight hours a day, do not take two hour shifts, but four. You will have enough time to better delve into each topic. On the day of the exam it will be easier for you to expand when writing your answers.
Even if you don’t have time and you do have a lot to study, your brain has a limit. Every 90 minutes or every two hours at most, rest for about fifteen minutes. If possible, leave the study room, have a drink, get some fresh air and walk around a bit. Your mind will be ready for another study session.
Create schemes by thematic blocks
Sometimes, you have a huge and almost unfathomable agenda ahead of you. Studying it topic by topic is usual, but it will be easier for you to write an outline of the points that fall into the same thematic block. As you write you will discover the common points. The result should be a text in which the most important points stand out. You will ensure that reviewing the syllabus is much easier and you can even extend your answers on the day of the exam.
Your study space
Natural light should prevail, the table should be at an angle that prevents you from bending your back, and you should have everything you need to underline or write on hand. If there is no noise outside, open the window to ventilate the room. If you study standing and walking while you go over your notes, try to make sure that the route has no obstacles. Try to create a space to your measure in which you feel comfortable.
It’s up to you to put the above tips into practice to make the most of your study time and, above all, start studying in a different way. Surely, you will tire less and you will achieve an optimal result. We wish you the best possible luck in your exams.
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