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8 tips to make your Erasmus a perfect experience

Everyone experiences their Erasmus in their own way and there may not be a 100% perfect Erasmus, but without a doubt, the most important thing about an Erasmus is to live it, enjoy it to the fullest and learn.

Studying abroad, while pursuing your university degree, is a unique and highly valued international experience when looking for work. In addition to demonstrating mastery of other languages, it also means having an adventurous and fearless attitude to change.

Recommendations that will be useful if you have in mind to leave Erasmus

  1. Documentation – Check that you have your documentation in order: DNI, passport, visas … In some countries they require some extra requirements, such as your passport not expiring in the next three months. In addition, you will be required to have permits, a student visa and other essential documents. Luckily, there are agencies or even departments within the university where they can handle all the paperwork and make sure everything is in order in advance.
  2. Know the language of the country you are going to – You will get the most out of the experience, make more friends, and get better grades. Improve English, French, Italian or German … Go to exchange bars, sign up for classes, watch movies or series in that language … Everything you advance before go, your future language will appreciate it and you will notice more progress.
  3. Take advantage of credits or some difficult subject – We refer to those that most of the class fails even if they study. When enrolling, look for those classes that validate you for the largest number of credits.
  4. Go free – We recommend going from Erasmus to the last year of your degree. Now it is difficult with the final degree projects, but it is best to go completely free, without pending subjects or ties.
  5. Find a good place to live – In this adventure you will not want to live on the outskirts and alone. He lives on campus, in a youth area, in student housing near the center. Think about leaving your regular friends, your college classmates, and your family at home. You need to fill all those gaps with new friends, so make it easy. At the Estació de Sabadell student residence hall, we enjoy a privileged location for all those students who come to study in Barcelona.
  6. Go to class – I know it’s hard and you may have a busier schedule than ever before, but you need to go to class because it’s also a unique experience. In every country the university system is different and there are high quality professors who teach beyond mere theory. Studying at a foreign university is a luxury that cannot be underestimated.
  7. Meet local people, not just Erasmus – One of the most beautiful parts we often forget is integrating into the host city, making local friends, signing up for plans beyond pubs for foreigners. Learn from the city, the country and its people, you will become an expert in your Erasmus country with minimal effort.
  8. Enjoy as never before – It’s a unique opportunity to have so much time for you, so much desire for plans, travel, learning, getting to know, and everything in such a multicultural and fun environment may not be repeated.

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