The end of the year is an ideal time to reflect on what we have…

Selectivity 2021, are you ready?
The selectivity 2021 or EBAU this year is celebrated on different days depending on each autonomous community. Keep reading to find the most relevant facts and tips to face this test in the best way.
How to face the test
There is little left. Trust yourself, because if you’ve been studying all year, think of this exam as one more of the ones you’ve already passed. To get the most out of selectivity, there are three key recommendations: rest, organization, and confidence. Keep in mind that if you get too little sleep to review until too late, your brain will suffer.
These are the dates you should forget if you have the 2021 Selectivity:
- Ordinary call: From 8 to 11 June.
- Extraordinary call: From 7 to 9 September.
- Presentation of incidents: From 15 to 18 June.
- Results of the exams of the ordinary call available on June 25.
- Request for review of the tests: From 25 to 28 June.
How will the exams be
Unlike other years, the exam will have a time of 90 minutes with a minimum of half an hour of rest between tests. Each subject will consist of a specific test and will be a single exam proposal with several questions, both developmental (to reinforce critical thinking) and some multiple choice questions, depending on each autonomous community. Remember to bring your DNI, an essential requirement to be able to be examined.
Compulsory phase and voluntary phase
The compulsory phase of the communities with co-official language consists of five exams: Spanish Language, History of Spain, English, a subject of the Baccalaureate modality that you studied and the own language of the territory. It is scored from 0 to 10 and an arithmetic mean is performed.
The voluntary phase is optional and allows you to increase the entrance mark by 4 points. This phase is recommended if the career you want to apply for is highly sought after. In this sense, there is a weighting table established on which subjects score more and which less. It is important that you review it.
Beyond 2021 selectivity
If you are studying the possibility of studying at a university in Barcelona, such as the UAB, keep reading because you need a place with a student environment in which to stay. Our student residence is located in Sabadell and has 18 double rooms.
We are not a residence to use, as our rooms have an outdoor balcony, bathroom, air conditioning and large windows to ensure natural lighting. The price includes internet services, telephone and weekly room cleaning. Visit our website and discover all we can offer you. But now is the time to focus on 2021 selectivity and the rest will come. Good Luck!
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