The end of the year is an ideal time to reflect on what we have…

How to combine work and study (Part 2)
Following the last article in our blog where we talked about how to combine work and study, today we want to continue to delve into this topic but with a different approach.
Ideal types of work to be able to reconcile work and studies
There are jobs that are more favorable for students who want to work while they are training.
⏩ Part-time jobs – usually 4 hours of work, morning or afternoon. The advantages of this modality are that as a rule they are jobs that are done during the week so the weekends are completely free. However, this may mean that the weekends will be spent more on training.
⏩ Weekend work – the schedule is usually full-time and is usually linked to the restaurant and commercial sector. They are usually temporary contracts and do not require a high qualification in the sector. Their advantage is that they do not take time out of the weekly classes and also involve a considerable income. As a result, the weekends are not long for leisure and there is not much flexibility.
⏩ Hourly jobs – these jobs, also known as one-off jobs, are often very beneficial for students as it allows them to have a small income to cover leisure expenses as well as training materials.
⏩ Internship – is one of the typical options when you are in your final year of study as you start working as a fellow in a company in the sector for which you are training. The duration of this internship is usually 3 to 6 months and its purpose is that the student can begin to put into practice the knowledge acquired during the studies. It can also help you start making professional contacts for the future world of work.
⏩ Extracurricular internships – these types of internships do not have an impact on the academic curriculum. These are agreements signed between the university and the company but do not require a total number of hours.
⏩ Curricular internships – these internships will take place in the academic transcript and, therefore, may be validated by credits for the completion of studies. In order to be eligible, they must have a specific duration and tutors will be assigned to verify that the learning on the job is being carried out satisfactorily.
I would like to combine work and study
In order to take this step and start working while you are studying, you need to be aware of the limitations you may have in doing so. You have to be an active and responsible person, with a high capacity for organization and last but not least, you have to keep in mind that you will have to give up much of your free time during this period. .
At the Sabadell Student Residence you will be able to enjoy the necessary comforts to be able to reconcile work and study, and when you arrive after your day, you will be able to share experiences with your classmates, who at that time will be like your family and which will surely be going through situations similar to yours.
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