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Summer stay in Barcelona

Have you ever thought about studying abroad during the summer? Do you want to learn Spanish in a cosmopolitan city? Do you like the beach and the good weather? If the answers are yes, consider a summer stay in Barcelona!

Barcelona has a total of 8 university centers on its territory, divided into different campuses: 4 public, 3 private and 1 online. There are different ways to access university studies in public institutions in Barcelona, ​​adapted to all profiles, ages and needs of students.

Learn Spanish: language courses in Barcelona

In addition to university studies, and if what you are interested in is mainly learning or improving your Spanish, you have the option of a language course stay in Barcelona or nearby.

Many language schools offer courses with several options: classical language courses, private teachers, preparatory courses for official exams or holiday programs.

Barcelona program holiday: entertainment and culture

Language school holiday programs offer Spanish classes combined with activities: practicing sports, cultural activity programs, visits to towns close to Barcelona, ​​etc.

The main advantage of these language programs is that they allow you to make progress in language while you meet international friends and get to know a different city and culture.

Summer accommodation in Barcelona

Barcelona is a very touristy city, and finding accommodation in the summer may not always be easy. You have the option to choose a city in the suburbs, where it is more likely that there are free apartments and they will probably be cheaper than in Barcelona.

When the school year ends (around June), most student residences have more available rooms, so it can be a good accommodation option. However, you have to book them in advance to be sure of having a room.

Plan your summer stay in Barcelona and learn a language in a cosmopolitan environment!

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